SIG Reports

Infographic: Who needs to be on your digital transformation team?
sponsored by TechTarget
INFOGRAPHIC: Assembling the right team for a digital transformation project is critical. Transformation is a team sport - it requires experience, knowledge and the ability to influence and work with others. In this infographic, we help you figure out who needs to be on your digital transformation team and what are the key skills for each team member.
Posted: 18 Jan 2022 | Published: 18 Jan 2022


10 examples of the metaverse for IT and business leaders
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: Plenty of companies want to get in on the money-making potential of what has been dubbed the metaverse. Here are enterprise-focused and consumer-focused examples that business and IT leaders may want to explore.
Posted: 16 Oct 2022 | Published: 17 Oct 2022


The metaverse explained: Everything you need to know
sponsored by TechTarget
INFOGRAPHIC: The metaverse is considered to be the next evolution of the internet, and its possibilities are virtually infinite to those who learn how to master this new digital universe. In this infographic, we put together everything you need to know about the metaverse.
Posted: 09 Mar 2022 | Published: 09 Mar 2022


The 7 Deadly Skills Your IT Team Should Possess
sponsored by Skillsoft
WHITE PAPER: This resource examines IT skill shortages, how to minimise them within your company, and 7 deadly skills that your IT team should possess.
Posted: 18 Apr 2012 | Published: 18 Apr 2012


The Virtual Office Checklist
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: The technology behind remote access is called a "virtual private network," or "VPN," and it establishes a private, secure network connection over a public network, such as the Internet.
Posted: 10 Oct 2008 | Published: 10 Oct 2008

Cisco Systems, Inc.

A Guide to Utilizing Virtualization in a Disaster Recovery Strategy
sponsored by Dell EMC and Microsoft
EGUIDE: In this expert E-Guide, brought to you by and Dell, you will discover the steps essential for effectively integrating server virtualization into your disaster recovery strategy.
Posted: 20 Apr 2009 | Published: 20 Apr 2009

Dell EMC and Microsoft

E-Book: Knowing what to virtualize in Oracle environments, and how to do it
sponsored by VMware, Inc.
EBOOK: Read this e-book to learn how to start a virtualization project, determine if your production database is ready to run in a virtualized environment, and decode the often complex licensing and support policies around virtualization technologies.
Posted: 08 Mar 2011 | Published: 08 Mar 2011

VMware, Inc.

Project Management for the Modern Age
sponsored by Citrix Online UK
EBOOK: This e-book will show you how to implement virtual collaboration tools throughout the life cycle of a project to leverage the benefits of collaboration and partnership.
Posted: 07 Sep 2010 | Published: 07 Sep 2010

Citrix Online UK

Driving Collaboration Efficiency - H.264 High Profile
sponsored by Polycom, Inc.
WEBCAST: Polycom continues bringing leading-edge, standards-based technologies to visual communication. This is an advantage that resonates across all applications and industries.  View this webcast to learn how Less Delivers Much More!
Posted: 15 Sep 2010 | Premiered: Sep 15, 2010

Polycom, Inc.

The 7 Deadly Skills of The Perfect Employee
sponsored by Skillsoft
WHITE PAPER: This resource examines the 7 skills essential to employee success and how to keep your employees productive and satisfied.
Posted: 23 Apr 2012 | Published: 23 Apr 2012
